• President of WACCIMA Engr. Anthony Okoh (JP.)

  • The national President of NACCIMA in a warm handshake with the President of WACCIMA Engr. Anthony Okoh (JP.) signalling a warm welcome to the Presidential level. Congratulations our amiable President WACCIMA.

    The national President of NACCIMA in a warm handshake with the President of NCCIMA Engr. Anthony Okoh (JP.) signalling a warm welcome to the Presidential level. Congratulations our amiable President WACCIMA.
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The Voice of the Business Community of Warri & Environs…

The Chamber Today

The Chamber has grown impressively in membership and still growing. Since its incorporation, the Chamber has continued to play a significant role in the economic growth of Delta State & Warri in particular and Nigeria in general.

Our Vision

WACCIMA is a world class city Chamber, the driver of the economy of Warri and its environs, working to enhance the growth and development of the area by facilitating its commerce, industrial and  agricultural sectors. We are well informed business organization with robust foreign relations.

Our Service

The Warri Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established for the promotion and protection of Trade and Industry and to represent and express the opinion of the business community on matters affecting trade and industry in the city of Warri, Delta State and where applicable, the whole Federation. It is a non-profit making organisation and its income and property are applied solely for the promotion of its objectives.

Our Mission

To promote and protect the interests of its members and the business community at large through public policy advocacy, creation and facilitation of commercial and industrial opportunity, provision of business development and services and observance of highest standard of business ethics.

Why us?

Referral for visa procurement.

Consultancy services through its consultancy unit on business plan development, feasibility study.

Facilitation of access to state/federal Government and International donor organization funds.

Collection and dissemination of relevant business information especially on policies and regulations, tariffs, opportunities for trade and investment.

Trade fair participation (Local & International)

Platform for global business women network (NAWORG)

Trade delegations and missions to foreign countries.

Business opportunities through increased network and contacts.